Mobile Business Card App

The Mobile Business Card App (see is designed with small to medium-sized business owners in mind. The days of handing out old fashion paper-based business cards to potential customers and business acquaintances must surely be numbered. How many times at the end of a conference or client pitch have you all scrambled around digging into suit pockets and computer cases trying to find the elusive business card? If you were lucky and managed to find/exchange business cards, it was highly likely that weeks later you would not be able to put a face to the name printed on the rather dishevelled card coming out of the washing machine! 

The Mobile Business Card App brings you into the 21st century, using the latest cloud-based hosting technology which ensures your app is up and available whenever you are. The app provides the ability to share a wide selection of content media with potential clients, including using the latest video and picture technology. Live links to your social media platforms are another key feature which will help separate you from your competitors. 

All of this coupled with tap to Call, SMS and Email functionality, plus the ability to instantly share your Mobile Business Card App on your client’s mobile device home screen, means that your business will always be at the forefront of your client’s mind.  


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